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Wellington Road Residence

Wellington House is a charming 1840s stuccoed semi-detached villa nestled within the St John’s Wood Conservation Area, recognised as a ‘designated heritage asset’. Our proposal seeks to enhance the existing building, reconfiguring its layout and internal levels to optimise usable floor space while respecting the heritage value and character of this protected St John’s Wood villa. The plan involves dividing the current villa into two family dwellings along with an additional one-bedroom flat.

To further complement the surroundings and minimise environmental impact, we are incorporating biodiversity roofs, reinstating front and rear landscaping, and installing air-sourced heat pumps and sustainable drainage systems. These measures are aimed at reducing operational CO2 emissions. Additionally, by preserving the existing building and opting for retrofitting instead of complete demolition, our proposal minimises the embedded carbon footprint of the construction works while addressing the pressing need for additional residential accommodation, albeit in a modest manner with just two additional units.

Wellington Road Residence

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